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Modern Architecture

Song Lyrics & Drama Parts



Given: from the Lord!

Written by: Jeffrey H. Wardlow - Date 1 / 1 / 2016

Hope for the last days dramatic CD presentation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

1. Last Day Hope

-Opening Scrip: Luke 21:25-26 and prayer

-Speed: 105.5 / Key of song:

-Emotional feel: Chaotic, anger, sorrow, mourning, hoping, happiness

-Vocal: Scatting, runs, Kimberell -Prodigal son

-Abstract, Fusion, Soul, Punk rock, Double drum recording

[Street Chaoz]: “last day sound” 


Electronic voice counter, into emergency broadcast system test sound, and alarms [Youtube], into static sound, robotic gears opening sound, into  the “Last day sound” Multiple earthquakes through out, building wind climax sound, fast vacuum sound... 


Music intro: Moog sound pitch bend upward like [ Iphone ten commercial] into fat chords, mpc track dropping, big musical hits into musical groove then dropping down..


Me on walkie takies: Chopper in the distance, Only God can save us now colonel, We need someone that can control the minds of presidents and governments! [walkie talkie effect]


John:[Tank going pass sound][marching troops sound] Yes sir adminral It time for war! We shall get revenge for our fallen -brothers, they will pay! 

Sing words: 

-Willa: Singing... They're killing are children when will this ever stop....

Chet: What's wrong with in the world everyone is so mad!!!

Chrys: Can't trust him over there, No cares, I have so much fear!


Us-Different screaming, where is my mama, crying, people calling on Jesus don't leave me Lord! Help eeeewww help..., O my God, O my God!!! run!!


Voice: Is there anybody out there can help us?


Kareen- Man forget my dad, I'm outta here, he's a joke, he loves mee, right! 

door slams...   God if you're up there please help me, Help me!....


Me: Follow me people, I am the Christ! the one you have been waiting on look at what powers I possess! 


Crowd: Gasp oh my God...oooo, wooo, I,I,I cant I believe it  


Voice: Is there any hope? I have so many problems...



-Me: Hahaha but, there is someone that can answer all your problems! I was sent from heaven to earth! Born through Emmaculate conception, had a direct mission from God to re-connect the world back to my father, I died and rose again! with all power in my hands! [Music and wind building] My name is wonderful, Counselor, Prince of peace, King of kings, Static popping Lord of Lords! Your Hope for today, Your Hope for today, My name is Jesus Christ! Explosions. If you canst only Believe! Believe! Believe! Earthquake music ending!

Willa: Thank you Lord I'm so glad you're real and your word is true 

Chet: Jesus in you I have peace, in you I have love, in you I have joy!!

Chrys: Jesus you have not given us the spirit of fear but Power! Power!

fade out…

Fade in…

Jeff: Hype words

Background: Jesus is our Hope! Repeat! End.


2. [Earth] -24,860 miles wide,  Age: 4.54 billion years old

Speed:110 bpm / Key of song:

Style:Funk, Tribal, Soul/ Double drum Recording

Emotional feel: Excitement, curosity, Happy, scared, Mourning

Vocals: Full vocals



TV Channel changes 5 times


Tv show Music: 

Rick: Welcome to the K.K Sheriville show and here's KK... Loud applause cheering...


Me: Chewing....Hey sweetheart the kk Sherville show is on!

Wife: Ok ill be in there in a minute.


Kareen: Today were going to discuss  the “unbelievableable things” that are happening around the world! Swarms of  locust, lightning strikes with no rain?, blood moons, Distant sounds from space, Crime, murders, Robberies, every sin you can imagine is happening! Earthquakes, Floods, Animals and birds heading Eastward!. Countries are declaring Nuclear war!, People seeing ghost?  Spirits? What is going on? 


Kareen: Today we are so happy to have with us Dr. Paul Glitercronos !!!world renown Climatologist! Biologist! and neurotheologist! Woooh! He is here today to tell us what is happening...[Applause.]...


Dr G: Thank you! Lets first look at some current scientific facts!!! Our Earth is 4.54 billion years old, its inner temperatures forever increasing! physicist have proven! current Earth tectonics show a decrease in the magnetosphere! 


-Come on man! Are u serious , Whats really going on ?...


- Keyboard start [dramactics] 

Dr G: Fade low Causing more energy to come into the core of the Earth! thus frequent heat waves, floods, and hurricanes, laughing these public events are playing with the minds and spirits of animals and mankind! We must fight for Mother nature! rumbling Because its only going to get worst!!! gasp, wooo, applause...


Kareen: Magneto what? [Static popping, crowd screams, Earthquake sound] Woooooo, did you guys feel that? hold on...we have a live reporter in the Manhattan, downtown area..Go ahead Florence..


[Beat momentum build, half notes, to quarter notes] 


Florence: Street Chaoz 2, Yes K.K, we felt those tremors here as well! Omg we are seeing and hearing the impossible down here! Animals staring upward like statues, rocks are floating everywhere, loud horn rumbles coming from all around us, wait, 7 rainbows just appeared!


Us-No wait I cant believe - what im seeing this.... Babe turn it up!


Florence: No, no, No! the moon is turning red! [Half notes] O my God the clouds evaporated, and the sky just, just.....oooooo Something big is about to happen! wait 

ho, ho, hold on let

me get closer to this guy is screaming something


Guy:  ahhhhhhhh, Yes finally ahhhhhh Yes  hahahahaha  Thank you Jesus!!!  Thank you!


Crowds: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,!!! Loud and many voices...


....Then volume rises to quarter note bass beat, hazard switch clicking, metal hits, bucket boys, marching band, Afrocentric rythms by me and Harold on percussion,  In combination with tribal voices of different kind into musical hits and back beats. Big 


intro into first verse where he sings.... 


Florence: Sir why, why are you screaming? 1st verse start


-1st Verse 

Today the world....see they just don't know

Jesus said it in Matthew 24

Disease and earthquakes all over the Land

Revival must come, to  e v e r y man ann.


Pre Chorus: Hallelujah -Thank you Jesus - he's coming, coming back to earth...

PreChorus: This your warning... that he's coming...

PreChorus: coming back to earth....  Repeat all twice


Background: Third planet from the sun

Chorus: coming back To Earth....

Background: Dead in Christ will rise 

Chorus: Coming back To Earth.... 

Background: We that are still alive gonna get caught up!


Chorus: Coming back to Earth 


2nd Verse

Jesus he died, for all our our sins

His- blood- so- pure cleanse you from within,

From heaven to earth's atmosphere!

Within a twinkling, we all disappear!!! Different Musical hits


Pre Chorus: Hallelujah -Thank you Jesus - he's coming, coming back to earth....

PreChorus: This your warning... that he's coming...

PreChorus: coming back to earth.... 


Background: Third planet from the sun

Chorus: coming back To Earth....

Background: Dead in Christ will rise 

Chorus: Coming back To Earth.... 

Background: We that are still alive, gonna get caught up!


Chorus: Coming back to earth 


Bridge: abstract musical changes with solo into scriptures....


Voices: Off beat all together: come in on 3rd count

 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven, with a Shout - (Rest)

With-the-voice of the ark-angel and trump of God... Better get ready, Better get ready Repeat 3times then break accent into a break down.


-[Music accents setup into, Quick drum solo with musical hits ] new musical idea: Jesus entrance from space to our atmosphere


-Big commotions sound efx, angry crowds, Hey whats going on, Layered discussions, Neighbors talking, David: talking about his car and grandmother... My wife talking to Brenda, Me taking to my kids to come close and last words...


[Jesus is coming sound]  -Layered sounds

-Outside downtown noise into

-Deep space & universe sounds thruout, , 

-Thunder and lighting thru out, 

-Loud shout glory!, Rumble efx 

-Deep strong angel holler, earthquake,

-Deep Dark ancient trumpet, Strong wind sounds... 


Blowing winds, powerful blast, screaming, glass blown out, Ear silencing sound, car alarms power failing sounds, electric popping, earthquakes build... Musical hold or breakdown


Me: 1 thess 4:16, Im hollering “the dead in Christ will rise next” after horns, and we who remain...

Crowd: hollering and mourning....OO NO O my God it's,it's, it's!


Me: Jesus says: It is done! Come to me!


Crowd: Hollering 1st- what just happened....Look Look at my body O my God!...Hollering were were floatiiiinng hey hey this is it were going up! Hollering!

-Music building


Lifting sounds, [youtube: After the rapture efx] vaccum suck- constant hollering thruout...  


Musical accents back to Jesus chants, climaxing effects! Music builds into vamp... tribal beats and vocal parts, 3 levels of  new grooves


Vamp words:

1st level / 1st groove

Soprano's : Can't you see  he's coming....

Alto: Don't leave me Lord! Really need you lord…

      Tenor: Better get ready, time to get saved.


Background: He's coming, Coming back to earth.. repeat


Second groove:


Soloist words:

 Dead in christ.... will rise...

We who are... still alive

Gonna get caught up, Gonna get caught up!


Background: He's coming, Coming back to earth.. repeat


3rd level groove come on come on down repeat, Say Lord forgive me, repeat, God i'm sorry repeat Say Roman 10:9 

 To earth: Jesus is king of kings and Lord of lords, To earth: He luvs you and me,  you can be set free. To Earth: Romans 10 and 9,  Dont be waisting time.... Repeat with musical accents


Repetitive licks 4x sick licks out...


Sounds at end while fading: O Jesus please forgive me, chaos sounds, running, screaming, where is my mama, son son! I can't believe it they were right! Cars crashing! Planes crashing in to buildings ambulances fire trucks etc, He's gone! Jesus help me!, wait, wait, Lord forgive me!fade out...


3. Ep'-ahee-nos, Epainos, Praise! Greek SN: 1868

Speed: 150.0  / song key:

Style: Shout, Foot working, Soul

Emotional feel:  Wonder, excitement, happy, worshiping,   

Scriptures: Rev 22:8, Rev 5:11-12. Rev 4:1-11, Rev 7:9, Rev 5:13                                                                                                                                                               

-Fading into gospel message being preached at O.L.C. church by Pastor Marcel.    

-Preaching about how important it is to praise God! And how praise will continue in heaven! [Loud praise music] 

 -Everyone is praising loudly and going into higher levels, then electricity starts to pop, wind blowing hard, building begans to shake, hinges releasing, turbulence, rumbling tornado ripping. Constant praising, high winds, screams, Hey whats going on??

Pastor hollering: “A rushing mighty wind!!! just like Acts chapter2!  the Lords glory is so heavy in here ooo my God we are, were lift, lifting! Jesus!!!!


-Into space efx for a while, then galaxy, universe, stars & comets flying past sounds... Fading into drum track in and out... -Space sounds passing asteroids, comets, into rushing air or wind, space sounds, into Robotic operations sounds thru out!, 


[Then fade 1st drum track in], Abstract sounds 1st, slow and reverse chords organ, synth, drops... then big chops into intro licks back to beats....

nto [2nd drum music pattern].  Repeating quiet voices  Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the lamb, abstract sounds..  People crying, We made it, thank you God, Wow we just left earth!, OMG we are in heaven! Look streets made of gold! So beautiful, A deep voice in background says: Shabach! Shab ach! Shabach! Crowds hollers and screams!!!!


-In Heaven: Angelic vocals saying [3rd beat] Epainos, Epainos, ep, ep, ep, ep epainos!!, Hale, Hale - Hale Halelujah!  Pastor Marcel reads a scripture: 


-Different groups: saying Hallelujah, glory, crying thank you Jesus! loud and soft, crowds shouting Alpha and Omega..abstract vocal mumbling... deep low horns with the beat... Back wards chords,  into accents, Constantly adding new synth sounds...[4th beat]....

(we can repeat areas and create intros, choruses, bridges, etc.)


Bridge..Then into a chorus of  beasts or abstract sounds of  a group saying [5thbeat] Holy- Holy, Holy-Holy, Holy-Holy Epainos! 


- Lightning, and thunderings building! Pastor Marcel reads a scripture: [6th beat]


-Stars falling slowly,  building into minor climax, universe and planets moving sounds....At the same time [Mpc tracks and samples play together with building accents, and  drum licks. Then God speaks!!!! Let the whole earth Epainos!!!! in a loud low voice.


   Middle concept: from heaven to earth!


 -Crazy chord and brass accents, laser gun battles, angelic voices passing sounds,  Angels flying by sounds in and out of heaven to earth.... [7th Pre-vamp beat]...


-Soldiers: marching with the beat singing: O Lord we, Praise you O Lord we, praise you... O Lord we, praise you [wizard of Oz]

Introduction: For Jesus: born in bethlehem, turned water into wine, walked on water, healed the sick, raised the dead, Died and rose again! Alpha and omega, victorious king Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Crowd goes wild!!! 




-8th Drum track

-The Jesus hollers: Now let those on earth Epainooooos! 

-Crowds cheer!

-Music back in....

-Pastor Says: Come on now:

Northsiders: Change key and groove different track/ key

Southsiders: Change key and groove different track/ lead solo

East siders; Change key and groove different track/ key

Westsiders: Change key and groove different track/ lead solo


-Pastor Marcel: Revelation 7:11 Thou are worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power, for thou hast created all things! And for thy pleasure they are and were created.. 


- Psalms 150 let everything that hath breath praise ye the lord!


-Beginning 1st repetitive ending patterns and crowds cheering, saying Epainos on beat, winds and earthquake sounds building then into a great shout pattern Into a final - repetitive melodic pattern into ending accents -into everyone repeating Epainos! Cheers! Screams! Wind, electricity, Reverse synth efx, slow motion organ and voices, time machine, time portal sound, lasers.. 

into long band accents which will lead into a quick break!


Pastor Marcel says: Omg were back! God just took us to another Dimesion in praise! Epainooooos!! Crowd praises!, Music blast! Fade out end.


4. I AM! here....

Speed: 118.5 / Song Key: 

Vocal: Full harmonizing vocals

Emotional Feel: Hurt, apologetic, Thankful, happy, Joyous

-Style: Indian style, Soul, worship,  

-Scripture: Exodus 3:14


  • A dramatic musical Intro with piano solo, acoustic guitar

(Pat metheny Here to Stay}Into a quiet break down while drama starts 


A woman loudly crying, sniffling, then a guy is grumbling under his voice, stomping his feet, I wish wouldn't have done it she says, I keep , keep on messing up, Lord I know you are tired of me he says! Please Lord! throws a glass, cup breaks, please please just hold me Lord! he says, I need you here with me she says crying...Music fade out                                                                                                                                                               


-(Royalty arriving sound): Air rushing in different directions, lighting, rain, Robotic lasers are being passed by sound,  electrical transformers popping. Lights popping into quick wind sounds, to a quick hush sound a still small voice comes to her ear and whispers and says: 


God whispes: I AM, Here...

-Big crescendo [timpani Drum]...into Music


-Intro music pattern a couple times, with changes to the pattern                 

-God speaks his name after each chorus: 


-Chorus in unison:

 I am here..., I am here...I am here I am here...Jehovah jireh,  -Chorus: I am here..., I am here...I am here I am here...Yahweh, 

-Chorus: I am here..., I am here…I am here I am here Elohim

 -Chorus: I am here..., I am here, I am here, I am here .El Elyon,  

--Chorus: I am here..., I am here I am here I am here...El Roi, 

Chorus: I am here..., I am here... I am here I am here Love     


Bridge: three-part Harmony and solo:

 I am here to heal you, Here to fill you,

        I am here to Save you,   Here to raise you,

I am here to Protect you, Here to bless you

        I am here to correct you, Here..........


Chorus: I am here, I am here, I am here, I am here Elohim

Chorus: I am here..., I am here  I am here, I am here, 

-Chorus: I am here..., I am here, I am here, I am here, El Roi, 

-Chorus: I am here, I am  I am here, I am here,peace 

 Chorus: I am here..., I am here,  I am here, I am here, Shepherd 


Breakdown God sings- Solutions and Answers: 


-You are healed, You are healed, You are healed… in your mind body and soul….

--Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 

- No weapon formed against you shall prosper..

- For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, not of evil to give you a expected end. 


For i'm changing things as we speak. I Am Jesus Christ your God! 

        Your needs are being supplied now! repeat, I Am that, I Am that I Am, I am Here, I am here, I am here! I am here.... I am here


Bridge : I am here to heal you, Here to fill you,

I am here to Save you, Here to raise you

I am here to Protect you, Here to bless you

I am here to correct you, Here..........


Chorus:   I am here, I am here, I am here….end.


5. Family Traditions

Speed:115.00 /Song Key:

Style: Soul, Funk, House

Emotional Feel: Happiness, Joy, Thankful


Beginning: Families general conversations from two people talking into many people, into a mpc count off into music, nice beat up tempo beat, mostly mpc beat,  Mac create harmony, also lead acoustic guitar sound...


-In different languages and cultures worldwide:

-Let John Wilder do some skats, like “we need family”,  Love comes from family, Jesus wants us together, Laughing here and there

A. Thanksgiving tradition recording (youtube)

-Movie night tradition


B. Fourth of July tradition recording (youtube)

-Game Night tradition


  1. Christmas Tradition recording (youtube)

-Mothers Day, Family Prayer


  1. New Years Tradition recording (youtube)

             -Camping tradition Loop All


-Take it up a key to a climax!

-Into the word: In unity there's strength, A three fold cord is not easily broken, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all Amen!



6. For it is Written

Speed: 135.00 / Song Key:

Style: Punk Rock all the way, Hiphop, Rapper, Rage mch

Emotional Feel: Tired but powerful, Always Victorious


-Crickets sounds, wilderness sounds, wind and sand blowing, sounds of a human gasping for water and food in the background. 


-Enemy: if thou be the son of God, command these stones to be turned into bread 

Jesus: It is Written! man shall not live by bread alone,     but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God!


-Drum roll into intro - opening accents and melody groove into break down music…


1st verse: Fighting through life from day to day, Jesus Christ thee example in every way, No problem he can-not handle,  Jesus Christ our hope - for tomorrow. 


The word of God is quick, don – don, sharper than any two edged sword-ooord…


Bridge : For it is written,  for it is written,  written!




1st Music breakdown:


Enemy: Wind sounds: If thou be the son of God, cast thyself down for it is written he shall give his Angel charge concerning thee, and their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time though dash thy foot against a stone.


Jesus: It is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God!


Bridge: Foooor it is written  For it is written,  written!


2nd Musical breakdown: 


-Mountain climbing sounds, small rocks falling, exhaustion sounds.


-Enemy: All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me!  


Jesus: Get thee hence satan!



Going nuts, music builds! Boom! Explosions! enemy hollering! sounds of pain and screaming, and fleeing! 


Big Build: don don don don  don Don!...

Vamp repeats: It is written… Ad-libbing


Bridge / outro: 3 time ending


Church cord holds...out!




7. The One

- Concept: My endless love Diana Ross & Lionel Richie, Eric Benet

Speed:117.5 / Key of Song:

Emotional Feel: Happiness, Thankful, Reminiscing

Scripture: He that findeth..

Style: Soul, Funk, 


Musical intro / Dream state:

1st Verse From strangers to friends, then Lovers for Life. It was God that brought us together, I knew you would be my wife.

-I knew you were the one when we met on that day.

Such a beautiful smile,  I could never forget your face.


Chorus: You are the one, You are the one, You are the one You are the one, The one God made for me, to live thru Eternity.  can't you see you are the One! You are the one…..


2nd Verse: 

-Thru test and deceptions, these mountains we did climb. 

-Showing that our love can stand, thru the test of time.

-All things work together Roman 8:28 does say, 

-Only God could have done this there no other way.


Chorus: You are the one, You are the one, You are the one You are the one, The one God made for me, to live thru Eternity.  can't you see you are the  one, you are the one.



You are the one: that I will love to life

You are the one I will pray for late at night

You are the one I will protect from hurt and harm  



Vamp: repeat take turns


You are the one, You are the one, You are the one You are the one, You are, you are..


  • Music Ends beautifully...



8. Psalms 33:3

-Style: Fusion, Latin, Abstract

-Study brazillian rythms, Matt Garska vibe


Kims request, Dave weckl with Chick korea


Created accents and chords at the beginning....

Medlodic patterns for chorus... Everyone playing same riffs and groves...

Drum solo's thru out with music and without


Dezmond on bass...Playing regular and soloing thru out...

Sax man copying and accenting

Lead player with distortion

Keys; cold spacely sounds on keys


What I am hearing inside:  / Sounds


-beats when I hear the hazards blinking in the car

-Putting plates up also a drum roll

-washing machine shaking in a pattern

-Tribal Drums

-sign blowing in the wind


  1. Never Forgotten / Scripture:

-Style: Soul, Funk, Jazz


-Song Key:

-Names of love ones read on the one

-2cor5:8 Absent from the body, present with the lord 

-Heb 13:5: I will never leave nor forake you, 


[Instrumental & Powerful words, song will dedicated to all those that have went on to meet the lord. Some smooth and harmonious grooves. With big builds and fills. Just like “We are the World...



Youre never forgotten, 

Youre never forgotten


I will never leave you, nor fosake you.


Youre never forgotten

Youre never forgotten


Absent from the body, present with Lo-ord.


Youre never forgotten

Youre never forgotten


Into bridge, smooth jazz changes, Repeat..


10. Thank you lord for....


-1820's / Take heads off bottom two drums, & cover

`-Style:Old school soul, Funk, Smooth Jazz Solos, scratching

-Testimonies loop, combination of words


-[Ben tankard Keys to life] Relaxing texture and beat song....


Chorus: Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord-

For your blessings -Repeat


Music bridge: scatting


Been my friend,  Heal my body, Kept me safe from harm, Supplied all my needs, thank you Lord for your blessings 


 Musical Bridge…


Chorus: Saved my soul, Made me whole, Gave me an expected end, Coming back again! Thank you Lord for your blessings…


testimonies of victory




Song arrangement / Song Structuring: 


1. Last Day hope

-Sound efx, street chaoz, low bass, count off, 1st beat, creschendo  fast abstract chaos chords into big lick starting walk down at b flat,  next beat full, New groove, Big accent 1st accent b, New groove , new accent, into suttle changes, creshendo, back to 1st beat..into Jesus climax into key change,2nd beat accents down out jazz.


2.Earth: mpc track start, “Jesus” chant, tribal voices into bucket boys, marching soldiers efx, mixture of sounds moving, Tribal Drum sounds, Marching band, into my drum bass and hi hat, Ethnic voices chanting Jesus in different languages, Megapohone shouts, Encouraging words, crowds, talking vocals, and ambulances, police car efx.


3. Epainos: Foot working beat pattterns organised to go along with whats happening in heaven. Directions to heaven thru heaven back to earth, Space synths, Solo hits, Tye tribbett hits, Josiah Maddox


4. For it is written: Straight pattern , 3 time start, theme stop, “ For it is written”, 1st verse, Bridge, 2nd verse, theme stop, different bridge, into shout, Vamp part1 mike Jackson, don don don, don don Dooooon, repeat, hold on long notes, Crazy offbeat ending, 3 level hits.

5. I AM here: Indian vibe, Kettle drum and creschendo.


6. The One: Ben Tankard keys to life, traditional wedding song with anointed twist. The point is we both met one Jesus christ!  Which led me to find my good thing. 


7. Thank U:2 verses of thanks , jasmine singing solo, background parts, smooth.. ben tankard smooth sounding keys


8. Family Traditions-Full set mpc, with kit: Old school beat loop family game night sound efx to praying together, girls night out, guys watching a game, everybody in church, mothers day restaurant, a rapper putting together all ideas into verses, piano or guitar solo


9. Never Forgotten- Going on a journey musically thru life to heaven. Vocal track of everyone names, Many voices saying loved ones names. Thru out, then we will talk generally about all that we remember about all of them.


10. Psalms 33:3 Intro: 7/8 verse, into straight pattern, 7/8 pattern, [straight ethnic superbowl sounds ] then 7/8 new key

into new idea, into vamp outro....            


Song Structuring / Emotional feel 


-Last Day Hope: After beginning sound effects, music comes in soft to big sound into grove and licks back down to a repeating pattern building climax as Jesus message finishes. Then accents and this out.

-Emotional Mood: chaotic anger to Hopeful to Cheering and Praising!


-Earth: Opening show music, dramatic synth catches, Into tribal beats, key accents into intro, verse, Pre chorus, 2nd verse, bridge, Chorus, vamp, break down solo, vamp with 3part changes, into repetitive licks into accents out!

-Emotional Mood: Fun to concerned, to afraid,  into someone answering the problem, to Feeling confident, then urregency to get saved. Then seeing Jesus coming Excited, Some scared, but joyous


-Epainos: Opening accents, Repetitive patterns and letting track play solo, creative licks, re introduce opening into repetitive patterns, to bridge, break down let beats go crazy, into a new pattern, Starting climactic vamp, repetitive ending. 

-Emotional Mood: Happy, Wondering, Praising non stop! Going crazy! 


-I am here: Creschendo into moderate tempo eqytian beat. Repetitive groove, timpani, 

Emotional mood: crying, praying, hoping, to surprised, to thankful, praising worshiping


-For it is written – Rock groove,  rising and getting low until ending

Emotional mood from hurting and exhausting, to answering with authority to the climax of the same.


-Psalms 33:3 : off beat groove, into straight, different style, back to straight, then to off beat, into solo, Climaxing into a long line of fusion accents

-Emotional mood: fun Funk and brazillian house music and fusion


-Family traditions: funky repetitive groove, use a old school sample, rapper, repetitive loop of traditions  

Emotional mood fun and reminder of importance


-The One: beautiful intro slow groove

Emotional mood : Happy thankful


-Never Forgotten: Straight forward pattern, moderate groove

Emotional mood: rememberance, thankful, 


-Thank U: Jazzy feel, lazy groove,    

Emotional mood: Happy and grateful




Song making criteria for Everyone


Pray 1st/ Ask God to anoint 1st Rough draft


Theme Sounds, mixed solo's, Smooth keyboards


K.I.S.S. Keep it simple sir


Beat has to beat banging and Chords thick and melodious!


Add accents, and off beats, Climaxes


Pay close attention to details / Check against hit song


Add emotion to the song get loud and soft


Rethink song mentally, then change parts that need it.

Let someone else here see, what it needs, moog & bass

Did you tell the full story on all levels?


Last Draft

New ideas


-3. Ep'-ahee-nos, Epainos, Praise! Greek SN: 1868

Speed: 150.0 

Style: Shout / Inspiration: Revelations 4

Emotional feel:  Wonder, excitement, happy, worshiping,                                                                                                                                                                  


-Gospel message being preached by Pastor Marcel:    


Frank: Hey Stephanie, That message Pastor Marcel spoke today got me excited in my spirit to Epainos God! Its going to awesome to be in heaven! 


Stephanie: Frank I wonder how they praise God in heaven?!...I can only imagine Frank! Angels crying holy, 24 elders casting crowns, Lighting and thunder wow!


-Open space sounds into [ Passing a radar entrance efx]

-Angels wing sounds, Soft echos: God, Jesus, Holyghost

-Worship from different sound levels

-Elders casting crowns saying, 

-Worthy is the lamb, Epainos Epainos, Worthy is the lamb, -Epainos Epainos-Worthy is the lamb, Epainos Epainos-Praise!

-Voices praising/ with musical accents into


-Break: Stars, Asteroids, Planets moving, Quik flashes, thru out

-Building minor climax: small lighting into thunder climaxing.. 

-Smooth pattern, Holy-Holy, Father son and the Holy ghost

-Repeat backwards chords drops thruout

-Smooth pattern, Holy-Holy, Father son and the Holy ghost

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-Worthy is the lamb, Epainos Epainos, Worthy is the lamb, -Epainos Epainos-Voices praising/ with musical accents into


-Break Stars, Asteroids, Planets moving, Quik flashes, thru out


-Smooth pattern, Holy-Holy, Father son and the Holy ghost


-Smooth pattern, Holy-Holy, Father son and the Holy ghost


-Breakdown: Revelation 4:11 , Praises


-Abstract bridge: different synth sounds going in and out, different beat slow... backwards sounds, sound affect of flying thru a space warp! To the next level! Build back to shout!


-New Key New level / Beast sounds with fire efx

-Halay, Halay, Haleuijah efx / Come up hither, I will show thee things which must be hereafter. Repeat into changing 3 patterns


Climax- Earth joining in!

Epainos-Praise! Repeat 

-Lightings and thunderings thru out

-Thank you Jesus high praise – from [Millions praising]

-Ep Ep Ep Epainos Repeat

-Psalms 100: 6 Let everything that hath breath Epainos!


[On Earth]In their Language! / and their beat

-From Africa- From Sweden- From China- From Australia

-From Russia- From Ukraine- From South America- Brazillian

-From Japan, Here in America, and Here in Chicago IL!!!


-Millions Praising , thanking! Epainos-Praise! Fading out slow!




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