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Jeffs Life Lessons

As A Kid:

Mom and or dad etc.. are trying to give you important ways to act to help you look and sound good in the future, things to keep repeating to help you think before making bad decisions, How to become an Adult and productive citizen.

To all teenage young men: Its best to finish grammar school and high school and possibly college to be able to show you have paid your dues by studying and passing your classes, which will ultimately getting your diploma or degree. Which will help the employer to see your level of education and hard work.


Respect is earned not given.


Love who you are and who God has made you to be.


Life isn't perfect and things happen to us all that we wish wouldn't have. Obstacles can slow you down and try to take you out. But remember God understands and sees what you're dealing with and will give time to learn from it and help you to grow from your issues you face.


To young women: Love who you are at a early age and know that God has given you potentials to become someone great in life. Some young men in there puberty will try to ultimately have sex with you and also it can go the other way. But try to think about your future and the fact God has a true husband for you that will love you forever.


The devil doesnt want you to read your bible thats why you get sleepy and don't want to read. At a certain point in life you will find thae bible to be your ultimate guide, support, and future hope!


Adults: Try to always remember to love each other because we will all need each other at some point in life. God wants us to forgive each other and move on. The devil wants to divide and conquer. We must fight!


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