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My God givien vision is to use my gifts of Playing Drums and Encouragment to let the world know that Jesus Christ, Gods son is literally Real and he loves you. Jesus Christ wants nothing but to help you thru this life, Ultimately building a Powerful Eternal relationship with you!!! John 14:6 Jesus answered, I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.

My Plan

-Release the CD to the world, then on the internet and professional radio niches.

-Have annual "Love Revolution Events" outdoor performances of the CD, free giveaways, encouragement and prayer.

-Ask all to use word of mouth and share the CD awesome effects, and love event dates with your family and friends. Ultimately making this movement into a Soul saving revival all over the world!!!

My Goal

-Souls are saved, people are encouraged to keep on trying to do the right thing, To inspire musicians and artist everywhere to seek there God given purposes, knowing the reason why you are here on earth!!!

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